Shimmering Star Tutorial
This tutorial we will be using one of our Preset Shapes. There will be quite a few screen shots so please bear with me as we go through each process. You will need: A cute tube - I used one of Chrissy Clark's tubes. You must be a registered member of My Tag Art to purchase the tubes, but you can use any tube you like. Font - I used Castellar which came with my PSPX1. Plugin Filters - Flaming Pear-SuperBladePro - DSB Flux-Bright Noise If you don't have these filters, you can use a nice supple Inner Bevel & Add Noise. My supplies - a mask. I can't remember where I got this mask from If it is yours or you know where it comes from, please let me know HERE Animation Shop New white canvas 700x700 We will resize before going into Animation Shop select 2 colours from your tube for your Foreground & Background Gradient with these settings Preset Shapes - 8 sided star - width 12 - draw out a star 3/4 to fill your canvas - O...