Vintage Sands Tutorial
Click on image to see larger version At the time I created this tutorial, all tubes, scrapkits, etc were in working links. Sorry if the links no longer work With scrapkits, if the link or site is missing, choose a similar scrapkit I created this tut in PSPX1 (11) but it can be done with any version of PSP. You need to have a good understanding of your PSP program to do this tutorial. You will need: A sitting tube - I used tubes of ©Sara Moons images You can get images from HERE They are 'Free To Use' as long as you adhere to the TOU HERE but any sitting tube will do. Scrapkit is called "Vintage Sands" from A Cowgirls Creations Tutorials HERE Font I used is called "Arctic" from HERE Mask #55 is from Enchanted By Darkness HERE You will find the mask link down the right hand side of her site under Masks 6 Plugin Filter: Eyecandy4000-GradientGlow for your name & copyright Open up the mask #2 & minim...