"Cheeky" Tutorial - Revised

You will need:

Tube - I used one from Jamie Kidd. You must be a registered member
of CILM to purchase the tubes, but any tube will do.
My Template 24
Scrap kit called 'Little Kisses' from FantasyMoments Scraps
Font of choice

Open up my Template 24 - Shift D to copy it, delete original Template.
Make the bottom layer active (white) - go to Image-Canvas Size with these settings

That gives us plenty of room to work with. We will resize at the end.

Open up 3 Papers from scrap kit that match your tube.
Make Bottom Ring layer active on the Template - Select All-Float-Defloat,
copy & paste one of the Papers as a new layer. Selections-Invert, hit delete.
Selections-None. You can add a nice bevel to this layer if you wish. I used SBP
Plugin Filter. Delete the original Ring layer.

Do the same with the other 3 layers of the Template but omit the Bevel. When you have
finished, give each Template layer except the top layer, this drop shadow

Your finished Template should look similar to this

Move the top layer (Frame) down a bit. Magic Wand - click in side each of the squares of the top layer
Selections-Modify-Expand 2 - paste one of the papers as a new layer - Selections-Invert, hit delete.
Selections-None. Move the Paper layer below top layer.
Magic Wand - click inside 1st square - Selections-Modify-Expand 2, copy & paste your tube as a new layer.
You may have to down size your tube a little - move into place in the selected square - Selections-Invert,
hit delete. Move below the Frame layer. Continue this until you have the 4 squares filled with your tube.
Give the frame layer the same drop shadow as above.

Make top layer active - copy & paste one of the Rose Garland Elements as a new layer. Resize 60% Bicubic-
all layers unchecked. Image-Flip, move to top of the Template (see mine for example). Give drop shadow.

Copy & paste your tube as a new layer - give drop shadow. Place your tube where you like.
Now, you can add any other Elements you like - give them the same drop shadow. Once you are happy with
your image, cross out the eyes on the bottom layer (white), Merge Visible all other layers. Uncross the
eyes on bottom layer. Make your image layer active - resize 85% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Duplicate &
on the original image layer - Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur 25. Go to Effects-Texture Effects-Weave with these settings

I used a light & dark colours from my tube for the Weave colour & Gap Colour. Make top image layer active,
Merge Down. Add your name & correct copyright. Crop Tool - crop excess white background. I resized mine
90% Bicubic-all layers CHECKED. Save as a *Png

This tutorial was written & Revised by ©Kate on 24th May 2010.


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