Golden Dreams Tutorial

You will need:

A tube - I use one of Caron Vinson tubes.
You need to be a registered member of CILM
to purchase her tubes - but any nice tube will do.
Template 40 from Divine Intentions
Scroll about half way down the page. You will see the Template
downloads on the left hand side.
Scrap kit 'Golden Dream' from FantasyMoments Scraps
We will only be using some of the Elements from the scrap kit.
Plugin Filters:
VM Extravanganz-Transmission
Eye Candy 4000-Gradient Glow and Crosses

# As you do each layer of the Template, delete the original layers.

Open up the Template - click Shift D to copy. Delete the original.
Delete the copyright info, the 2 small hearts & the Dotted Line Heart.
Make bottom layer active (white), go to Image-Canvas Size with these settings

That will give us heaps of room to work & we will resize at the end.

Make Large Circle layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - new raster layer,
flood fill with a gradient with these settings

Have Foreground a light colour from your tube & the background a darker colour
from your tube.

Plugin Filters-Eye Candy 4000-Gradient Glow with these settings

Make the Small Circle layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - new raster layer
flood fill with your Foreground solid colour.
Effects-Texture Effects-Blinds with these settings. Use a darker colour from your tube

Keep selected - Plugin Filters-VM Extravaganza-Transmission with these settings

Selections-None. Eye Candy 4000- Gradient Glow on that layer.
Make Larger Heart layer active-Select All-Float-Defloat - new raster layer flood fill with your
gradient. Selections-None. Eye Candy 4000-Gradient Glow once again.

Make Smaller Heart layer active-Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer - flood with with your
Foreground solid colour. VM Extravaganza filter once more at the same settings. Selections-None.
Eye Candy 4000-gradient glow once more.

This is what your Template should look like now (yours may be a different colour, this is just
an example)

Copy & paste one of the Bow Elements from the scrap kit. I resized mine 55% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Give this drop shadow

Move the Bow to the centre of the top heart. Copy & paste one of the Doodle Elements from the scrap
kit as a new layer - Resize 50% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Adjust-Sharpen More. Move towards the top
of your Template image & under the Bow layer. Duplicate-Mirror-Flip

Copy & paste your tube as a new layer. Eraser Tool, carefully erase any of the tube that may be protruding
below the top heart. See mine for example.
Copy & paste one of the Butterfly Elements from the scrap kit as a new layer. Resize 40% Bicubic-all layers
unchecked. Move Butterfly over to one of the flowers on the Doodles. Adjust-Sharpen More. Duplicate-Mirror
& move that BUtterfly down onto one of the flowers. Merge Down. Give drop shadow as before.
Cross out eyes on bottom layer (white), Merge Visible all other layers. Resize your merged image 85% Bicubic-
all layers unchecked. Duplicate & on the original merged image layer - got to Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur 25.
Plugin and Crosses - default settings. Make top layer active - Merge Down. Add your name
& correct copyright. Crop Tool - crop excess white background. Click on your image layer - copy & paste as
a new Image on your work space. It should have a transparent background. Save as a *Png

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 28th May 2010.


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