Live for the Moment Tutorial

You will need:

A tube - I use one of Ann Gates Fiser cute tubes
You need to be a registered member of MyTagArt
to purchase
her tubes, but any tube will do.
My 'brush' & WordArt in my supplies in 4Shared
Template #197 from Blissfully Beth
Plugin Filters:
Tramages-Tow The Line
EyeCandy 4000-Gradient Glow

We will be using colours from our tube plus some Plugin Filter effects
as well as some Texture Effects with this tutorial.
Remeber to delete original layers after you have worked them
We will resize at the end.

Open the template and duplicate it (shift D)
Make Background layer active (bottom layer)
Image-Canvas Size-800x500, flood fill with white. Delete copyright layer

Make the White Circle layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - new raster layer.
select a colour from your tube as foreground have background colour nulled. Flood Fill
with your colour, keep selected - Effects-Plugins-Tramage-TowTheLine-default settings. Selections-None.
Make the Pink Frame layer active-Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer, flood fill with your colour.
Selections-None. Effects-3D Effects-Inner Bevel with these settings

Make Black Bow Tie layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - new raster layer
Select 2 colours from your tube as your foreground & background colours. Gradient with these settings

Flood Fill the Bow Tie, keep selected -, default settings. Keep selected,
Selections-Modify-Expand 6 - new raster layer, flood fill with your solid colour. Move this layer below
the coloured Bow Tie layer. Selections-None. Give the solid coloured layer the same Inner Bevel effect as before

Make White Rectangle layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - new raster layer, Flood Fill with your Gradient.
Keep selected - give this layer the Tramge-TowTheLine-default effect. Selections-None.
Make the Black Frame layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer - flood fill with your solid colour.
Give the Inner Bevel effect. Selections-None. While we are still in that frame layer, we will give it EyeCandy 4000-
Gradient glow with these settings - have the colour 'white'

Make the Pink Circle layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - new raster layer, now you can either flood fill
this layer with your Gradient or you can use the solid colour. settings.
Keep selected-new raster layer - copy & paste your tube into selection. Effects-Distortion Effects-Twirl-700. Repeat
the Twirl effect. Selections-None.

Make the top layer active ( Glitter Frame) - Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer - flood fill with your
solid colour - give Inner Bevel effect. Selections-None. Now, give that layer the EyeCandy 4000-Gradient Glow
as before.

Copy & paste your tube as a new layer placing it over the centre circle.
Back down now to the long rectangle layer (raster 5) Select All-Float-Defloat, paste your tube as a new layer.
Move the tube down so you get the face in the selected rectangle - Selections-Invert, hit delete. Mirror your tube, copy
& paste as a new layer, moving so you get another part of the tube in the selected rectangle, hit delete.

Cross out eyes on bottom layer (white) MERGE VISIBLE all other layers. Make the merged image layer active - resize 90%
Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Duplicate - Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blurr 30. Effects-Texture Effects, select a nice texture
with default settings.

Make topayer active - Merge Down. Make your bottom layer active - new raster layer, add my 'Brush' effect a couple of times
When you have finished give the Stars the Inner Bevel effect. Have top layer active. Copy & paste my WordArt as a new layer.
You can recolour & resize it if you want.
Add your name & correct copyright.
Cross out eyes again on bottom layer - MERGE VISIBLE all other layers.Open eyes on bottom layer. Crop Tool, crop excess
white background, being carefull not to crop the texture effect. Make your merged image active, copy & paste as a new image
on your work space. Your image should now have a transparent background. Resize 70% Bicubic-all layers CHECKED.
Save as a *Png.

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 4th March 2011.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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