Softer Side of Goth Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version

At the time I created this tutorial, all tubes, scrapkits, etc were
in working links. Sorry if the links no longer work
With scrapkits, if the link or site is missing, choose a similar scrapkit

I created this tut in PSPX4 (14) but it can be done
with any version of PSP. You need to have a good understanding of
your PSP program to do this tutorial.

You will need:
A tube - I used a tube of ©Keith Selle
You can get his tubes from The PSP Project
But any tube will do
Scrapkit is called "Softer Side of Goth" from Dreamland Designs
Mask #7 from Miggins Does Scrapsville
Font I used is called "Dylovastuff" from Fonts 2U
Animation 'breakingsparks_bymissy' - from Divine Intentionz
Plugin Filters:
Eyecandy4000-GradientGlow for your name & copyright

Open up the mask #7 & minimise it. Also open up the tube you will be
using & set it aside.
New transparent canvas 700x700

Copy & paste a paper from scrapkit as a new layer. I used paper #17.
New Mask Layer-From Image with these settings

Merge Group.
Copy & paste Frame #2 from scrapkit as a new layer. Freehand Selection Tool,
draw around frame like this
Copy & paste another paper from scrapkit as a new layer. This time, I used paper #9.
Image-Resize 45%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Selections-Invert- hit delete. Selections-
None. Move the paper below the frame layer.

Make top layer active - copy & paste Beads from scrapkit as a new layer. Move up & across a little.
Copy & paste Butterfly's from scrapkit as a new layer - Image-Resize 20%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Adjust-Sharpen. Move the butterfly's up & across a little.
Copy & paste Butterfly Lantern from scrapkit as a new layer - Image-Resize 10%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Move up & across to top right corner. Adjust-Sharpen.
Add this drop shadow to Lantern & Frame
Make top layer active - Copy & paste Triple Bow from scrapkit as a new layer.Resize Triple Bow 15%SmartSize-
all layers unchecked. Adjust-Sharpen, add drop shadow.
Copy & paste Raven from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 20%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Move the Raven
so it looks as though it is sitting on the ribbon on the frame.

Copy & paste the tube as a new layer. Move the tube into position. Resize if needed. Freehand Selection Tool,
draw around the bottom of the tube like this
Selections-Modify-Feather 50, hit your delete key once. Selections-None.
Add your name & correct copyright. If you don't want to animate. Cross out the eyes on the bottom layer (white),
Merge Visible all other layers. Click Copy Merged & paste as a New Image. Save as a *Png image


Cross out the eyes on the White background layer-Mask Layer & Paper layer. Merge Visible all other layers.
Open up the eyes - we are going to resize the image before we start the animation.
Resize to your liking - I resized mine 75%SmartSize-all layers CHECKED.
Now - cross out the eyes on the merged image - make one of the other layers active - copy merged.
Animation Shop - paste as a New Animation. Open up the 'breakingsparks_bymissy' animation from Divine Intentionz
Go to Edit-Select All. You will see a blue line around all the animation frames.
Now, with your new Animation Image from your PSP, click COPY, then Hold down your CTRL key & click your L key 12
times to give you 12 frames. Go to Edit-Select All. Click COPY on the animation frames, then go to you PSP Image
A paste Into Selected Frames (in the centre)
Back to your PSP - open the eyes on your merged image, cross out the eyes on all other layers. Click Copy Merged,
back to Animation Shop, Paste as a New Animation. Repeat the process as we did for the background image. Click COPY
& Paste Into Selected Frames. Go to Animation-Frame Properties & set the Display Time to 15. Save as a *Gif.

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 1st August 2012.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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