
Showing posts from January, 2013

A little bit more of 'House Cleaning'

You may find quite a few tutorials with images missing or Scrap Kit site links not working. I will be re-doing a lot of the tutorials, using new Scrap Kits. Also, Fotki, in their infinite wisdom has taken it on themselves to delete a lot of the images from my tutorial storage folders I will en devour to rectify these issues over the coming weeks. Please bear with me.  If you any questions, please don't hesitate emailing me at   Kate..aka..Mz KellyDesigns♄

Seaside Resort Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version I created this tut in PSPX4 (14) but it can be done with any version of PSP. This is an easy tutorial with not much to do, just take your time. You will need: A mermaid tube - I used one of Elias Chatzoudis lovely tubes. The tube I used in this tutorial was purchased from PTE when they were open. You need to be a registered member of Elia's own site  HERE Scrapkit 'Summer Waves' from AngelsDesignz HERE Mask #81 from WeeScotsLass Creations HERE My 'Seaside Resort Template'  HERE Font I used is called 'Seaside Resort' from Urban Fonts HERE Plugin Filter: Eyecandy4000 - Grad' Glow for your name Make the Rectangle layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat. Copy & paste a paper from scrap kit into selection. Select-None. Duplicate the paper layer, make bottom paper layer active - Adjust-Blur-Gausian Blur 12 Add this drop shadow to top paper layer Make Circle Frame layer active - Select...