Rosebud Tutorial

Only one screen shot in this tutorial as it is an
easy tut to do by following my basic instructions

You will need:
A tube
My Supplies - HERE

Open a new canvas-600x600-white

Open supplies in you PSP

Paste my Slatt as a new layer - Magic Wand, click
inside 1st Slatt-Selection-Modify-Expand by 1, paste paper
Invert - click delete - select none. Move this paper layer
down under slatt layer. Do the same with the other 2 slatts,
remembering to move paper layers down.
Drop Shadow - 1/1/60/10-black -paper layers - do the same on the slatt layer.
Cross out background layer & merge visable other layers - duplicate - Mirror.
Merge down.

Paste Flowers onto paper slatts - see mine for example.
Paste Hearts onto Flower slatts - paste bow onto Flower slatts.

Paste your tube - give same drop shadow as before.
Add your name & copyright - crop away most of the white background.
Merge All (Flatten) - resize - save as a *Jpeg.

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 1st March 2009.


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