Window Silhouette

You will need:
A tube
Font of your choice - I use Technical-size-120
Window Silhouette Supplies HERE

Open up the templete in supplies.
Make bottom layer active.
Go to IMAGE-CANVAS SIZE with these settings

Flood fill with white.

Open up the ©RainbowCoffi tube frome supplies - using your
Freehand Selection Tool draw around one of the flowers-copy
& paste under the Lg Window Pane - move to one side - duplicate,
mirror - merge down - duplicate once more - flip.
You may have to resize the flowers so that they fit nicely around
the Lg Window Pane - see mine for example.

Now, do the same with the other ©RainbowCoffi flower - paste it to one side
of the Sm Window Pane - top or bottom, duplicate-mirror-flip, placing the flowers
to one side of the Sm Window Panes - resize if needed - see mine for example.

Copy your tube & paste it below the Lg Window Pane, placing the tube similar to mine.
Give your tube a drop shadow with these settings

Making one of the Sm Window Pane layers active - go to SELECTIONS-SELECT ALL-FLOAT-DEFLOAT,
copy & paste your tube, placing it so that it is inside the pane.
INVERT - using your eraser tool, erase the tube outside of the pane. SELECT NONE.
Give your tube the same drop shadow as before.

Now do the same on the other Sm Window Pane but mirror you tube first.Drop shadow as before.

Cross out the eyes on your bottom layer (white) merge visable the other layers
You can now resize the image - I resized mine down 80% Bicubic-all layers unticked.

Add your name & correct copyright. Merge Down
Using your Crop Tool, crop around you image.
Resize down if needed - save as a *Png.

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 4th December 2009.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purley coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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