Sensitive Woman Tutorial

You will need:

A tube - I used one of Jamie Kidd's tubes.
Youi must be a registered member of CILM to
buy her tubes.
Scrapkit "SensitiveWoman" from ScrapsDimentions
Font of choice
PLugin Filter-FiltersUnlimited-2.0 (optional)

New white canvas 700x700

Copy & paste SD SW Frame4 as a new layer - resize 55% Bicubic-all layers unchecked
Copy & paste SD SW Flower as a new layer - move this under the frame. Resize 145% Bicubic-
all layers unchecked. Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur 35%. Plugin Filters-Filters Unlimnited 2.0,
Paper Textures-Striped Paper, Fine with the default settings. Or you can use -Effects-Texture Effects-
Blinds with these settings

Make Frame layer active, copy & paste SD SW Piano as a new layer-Image-Mirror.
Resize 65% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.Move the Piano to the side of the frame.

Give the Piano & the Frame this drop shadow

Copy & paste SD SW Rose 3 as a new layer - resize 50% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Duplicate the Rose - Image-Mirror - bring over to 1st Rose & move down slightl. Eraser Tool,
carefully erase the bottom of the duplicate Rose so it looks as though the Rose flower is growing
from the stem. Once you have done that, Merge Down - give the same drop shadow.

Copy & paste SD SW Shoes as a new layer. Resize 35% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Same drop shadow.
Copy & paste your tube as a new layer. Make Frame layer active - Selecxtions-Select All-Float-Defloat-
Invert & erase the bottom part of the tube so it looks as though it is inside the frame. Invert once more
& erase any part of the tube that is showing in the frame. Selection-None. Give tube drop shadow

Add your name & correct copyright. Crop Tool - crop to remove excess white background.
You may need to resize - I resized mine 85% Bicubic-all layers checked.
Save as a *Png

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 29th March 2010.
