Soft Blue Mermaid
You will need:
A tube - I used one of Joanne Schemmps tubes.
You must be a regisred member of Tag My Art to but
the tubes.
But any tube will do.
Scrap Kit called "Soft Blue" from FantasyMomentsScraps
A nice scripty font
Plugin Filters:
FilterFactory Gallery Q-GravityBlossom
Two Moon-RotoBlade
If you don't have these Filters you can use your Effects for the
Blurred Background layer.
New white canvas 700x700
We will crop this down at the end.
Copy & paste Element 99 as a new layer - resize 65% Bicubic-all layers unchecked
Magic Wand, click inside of the frame, making sure to click under the bow as well.
Selections-Modify-Expand 5.
Copy & paste one of the Papers from Scrap Kit that will match your tube. Selections-Invert,
hit delete. Selections-None. Move the Paper layer below the frame layer. Make Frame layer active,
give this drop shadow
Copy & paste either Element 65 or 66 as a new layer - resize 80% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Move
to the left side of Frame - give the same drop shadow as before.Copy & paste either Elements 75-78 or 81
as a new layer. Resize 65% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Drop shadow. Move it to the left side of the Frame.
Open up either Element 67-68 or 69 - Freehand Selectio Tool, draw around the bottom cluster flowers, Copy &
paste as a new layer. Resize 65% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Drop shadow. Place the flower clust bottom
of the Frame. Now, back to the Frame layer - Selections-Select All-Float-Defloat, make flower cluster active
& with your Eraser Tool, erase some of the flowers that cover the bow in the frame.
Copy & paste your tube as a new layer. Place the tube so it looks as though it is coming out of the Frame.
You may need to erase some of the bottom part of the tube. Drop shadow
At this stage you can add any other Element you like. Once you have done this, cross out the eys on the bottom
layer (white), Merge Visible all other layers. Resize your Merged Image 85% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Duplicate
& on the original merged layer - Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur 25.
Now, if you have the 2 Plugin Filters mentioned above we will procede. FilterFactory Gallery Q-Gravity Blossom,
default setting. Then Two Moon Filter-RotoBlades, default setting.
If you don't have those filters, try experimenting with your Effects-Texture Effects.
Once you have done this, make your top layer active - Merge Down.
Add your name & correct copyright. Crop Tool - crop any excess white background. You may still need to resize
your image, do it now. I resized mine 90% Bicubic-all layers checked.
Save as a *Png
This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 22nd April 2010.
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