MadameX Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version

I created this tut in PSPX1 (11) but it can be done
with any version of PSP. This is an easy tutorial
just take your time.

You will need:

A tube - I used one of Jessica Dougherty's lovely lady ubes.
You need to be a registered member of CDO
to purchase her tubes, but any tube will do.
Collab Temp-Tamie & Tonya Temp1 from CreativeMisfitsCreations
(scroll down till you see the link for Tamie & Tonya)
Vix BigMask001
Plugin Filters:
VM Extravaganza-Transmission
Two Moon-RotoBlades
Flaming Pear-SuperBladePro
Eyecandy 4000-GradientGlow
Font I used is called 'Fifont'
My WordArt

Open up template1 - click Shift D to copy it. Delete original template.
Make bottom later (background) active - go to Image-canvas size with these settings

Open up the tube you will be using - select a light colour from tube for your foreground colour &
a dark colour from tube for you background colour in your Materials Pallette.
Gradient with these settings - Linear (we will be using this gradient all through)

Delete the Credits layer (top layer) on the template.
Make the Background layer active - new raster layer - Flood Fill with your gradient.
Open up & minimise the Mask001. New Mask Layer-From Image with these settings

Merge Group. While we are still on the mask layer, go to Plugins-Twoo Moon-RotoBlades
with the default settings.

Make Copy of Raster2 layer active - Merge Down. - Select All-Float-Defloat, new raster layer,
Flood Fill with your gradient. Plugin Filters-VM Extravaganza-Transmission-default settings.
Keep selected - Duplicate & on the original layer go to Selections-
Modify-Select Selection Borders with these settings

Flood Fill with the dark colour - keep selected - go to Adjust-Add/Remove Noise-Add Noise-Uniform-65-Monochrome ticked
Selections-None. Add this drop shadow

We will be using that drop shadow throughout this tutorial

Make the Dotted Oval layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer, flood fill with dark colour (I find using the brush tool,
large circle,better for this). When done, Selections-None.

Now, w will drage Right Shape Background down to top of Left Shape Background - Merge Down. Select All-Float-Defloat-
new raster layer, Flood Fill with the light colour. Keep selected - add the Noise as before. Drop Shadow.

Merge Down Right Shape to Left Shape - Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer, Flood Fill with gradient.Keep selected,
go to Effects-Texture Effects-Fine Leather with Default settings. Selections-None.

Make Oval Background layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer
Flood Fill with light colour-add Noise as before. Selections-None, add Drop Shadow.

Make Oval layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer - Flood Fill with gradient - keep selected,
add the Two Moon-RotoBlades filter. Selections-none.

Delete the Pink Square layer, make the white square layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat, Flood Fill with dark colour.
Keep selected - add Noise as before. Selections-None. Drop Shadow.

Make raster 4 layer active (small pink square) Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer, Flood Fill with gradient. Keep selected,
Vm Extravaganz-Transmission once more (default settings). Selections-None. Drop Shadow.

Make Copy of Raster 3 layer active - Merge Down. Select All-Float-Defloat-new raster layer, Flood Fill with dark colour, keep selected,
Plugin Filters-Flaming Pear-SuperBladePro-M_coconut. (if you don't have SBP you can use Eyecandy 4000 Bevel Boss) Drop


Now, delete Star Line 2 layer. You can colouriz Star Line 1 if you want.
Copy & paste your tube as a new layer - moving it to where it will look nice on the small squares (see mine for placement)
Add my WordArt as a new layer - colourize it to suit the tube. Add a nice EC-Gradient glow to the WordArt if you wish.
Add your name & correct copyright. When you have done that, cross out eyes on bottom layer (white background), Merge Visible
all other layers. Open eyes up on bottom layer. At this stage you can use the Crop Tool to crop excess white background, being
careful not to crop any of your merge image. When you have done that, click COPY & paste it as a New Image on your work space.
I resized my merged image 74% Bicubic-all layers Checked, but that is up to you what size you want yours.
Save as a *Png.

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 1st November 2011.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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