Cabaret` Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version

I created this tut in PSPX4 (14) but it can be done
with any version of PSP.  Not much to in
this tutorial but your imagination. You will need some knowledge
of PSP to do this tutorial

You will need:
A tube (preferably a sitting tube) - I used one of ©Verymany/Exclusives tubes.
You need to be a registered member of PicsForDesigns
to purchase her tubes, but any tube will do.
Gradients - 'New Years Gradients' from Tonya's Temptations
Thank you Tonya♥
Mask #BigMask005 from VixPSP
Font I used is called 'Callie Hand' from
My template 'Cabaret`'
Plugin Filters:
Tramages-Toe The Line & The Stump 2
Eyecandy 4000 - Chrome & GradientGlow for your name

Open up the tube you will be using, as well as the mask & template, minimise the mask
Click SHIFT D to copy the template - close the original template. Add Tonya's Gradients to your Gradients folder
in your PSP

Make the bottom layer of the template active (white), go to Image-Canvas Size with these settings

Add a new Raster Layer from bottom layer - Flood fill with one of Tonya's Gradients that will suite your tube.
with these settings

New Mask Layer-From Image with these settings

Merge Group - resize 90% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.

Make the Lg Rect layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - flood fill with a colour from your tube.
Effects-Plugins-Eyecandy 4000-Chrome with any settings you like.
I used these settings as I flood filled with black - 'Black Latex'

Selections None. Magic Wand, click inside the Lg Rect - Selections-Modify-Expand 5. New Raster Layer,
Flood Fill with Gradient. Selections-None. Move this layer below the Lg Rect layer.
Give the Lg Rect frame this drop shadow

Make the Sm Rect layer active - do the same with it as before, but keep Selected. Next. go to Effects-Plugins-

Tramages-Toe The Line
(default setting). Copy & paste your tube as a new layer, position part of the tube within the selection, when happy, hit

delete. Blend Mode-Luminance Legacy
Selections-None. Give the Sm Rect frame same drop shadow as before

Make the Heart & Lines layer active - do the same as the other frames. Magic Wand, click inside the Heart
Selections-Modify-Expand 5. New Raster Layer, Flood Fill with Gradient (keep Selected). Effects-Plugins-
Tramages-The Stump 2 (default settings). Copy & paste your tube & place within the selected Heart.
When you have the tube where you want it, Selections-Invert, hit delete. Selections-None. Blend Mode-
Luminacy Legacy.

Cross out eyes on bottom layer (white), Merge Visible all other layers. Resize about 85% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Move your Merged Image up a little. Copy & paste your tube once more - position it where you like.
Add your name & correct copyright. Cross out eyes once more on bottom layer - Merge Visible all other layers.
Click COPY & Paste as a New Image on your workspace. Your merged image should now have a transparent
Background. Resize to your liking - I resized mine 95% Bicubic-all layers CHECKED. Save as a *Png Image

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 28th January 2012
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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