Fantasy Ride Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version

I created this tut in PSPX1 (11) but it can be done
with any version of PSP. This is an easy tutorial
with not much to do, just take your time. We will be using the
Blend Mode a bit in this tutorial

You will need:
2-3 misted animal tubes - I used two of Jim Warrens Horse Paintings
You can use his artwork if you or your group have email permission from him.
My template -FR_Template
Scrapkit called 'Let It Be' from Scrapity Scarps & More from her 4Shared account
Please leave some love ♥
Font I used is called 'Wish I Was Taller' from Free Scrapbook Fonts
Plugin Filter:
Eyecandy 4000-Glass

Open up the misted tubes you will be using & also my FR_Template.
Click SHIFT D to copy the template. Close original template. Delete top layer on template,
my copyright.

Cross out the eyes on all layers except the Rotated Star Rectangle-Straight Star Rectangle & white background.
Make the white background layer active. Copy & paste either Feather 1 or 2 (depending on your tube colours)
Move the Feather over to right side of the rectangles & up a little

Duplicate the Feather - Image-Free Rotate-Left 25. Move duplicated feather over slightly. Merge Down.
Duplicate the merged feathers once more - Image-Mirror & then Flip. Merge Down. Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance.

Now you can open up the eyes on all other layers.

Make Straight Star Rectangle layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - copy & paste into selection a paper from scrapkit
as a new layer - Selections-Invert, hit delete. Selections-None.
Do the same for the Rotated Star Rectangle, but using another paper from scrapkit.
Merge Down when finished . Add this drop shadow

Magic Wand - click inside Bottom Rectangle Layer - copy & paste a darker paper from scrap kit as a new layer.
Selections-Invert, hit delete. Do this for the other Rectangles.

Now we will work on the Rectangle Frames.
Make Bottom Rectangle Frame layer active - Effects-Plugins-Eyecandy 4000-Glass with these settings

Do this for all 3 Rectangle Frames.

Have top layer active - copy & paste one of the Foliage elements from scrapkit as a new layer
Resize 125% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Image-Mirror. Move across to the opposite side of the feathers.
Duplicate the Foliage - Image-Mirror-Flip. Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance. Properties-reduce the Opacity to 55.
This is what your image should look similar to

Now it's time to start pasting your misted tubes onto the image.
I started with the Bottom Rectangle & worked my up each Rectangle layer.
Each of the misted layers I also used - Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance just to sharpen them a little, but
that is up to you.
Have top layer active - Copy & paste one of the Ribbons from scrapkit as a new layer. Image-Free Rotate- Rotate 90

Left. Image-Resize 50% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance. Add drop shadow as before
Move the ribbon over to the left side of the template (see mine for example)
Add your name & correct copyright.
Cross out eyes on bottom layer (white) - Merge Visible all other layers.
Click COPY & paste as a new image on your workspace. Your new merged image should now have a
transparent background. Resize to your liking. I resized mine 78% Bicubic-all layers CHECKED.
Save as a *Png image

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 19th January 2012
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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