Sing Me A Lullaby Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version

I created this tut in PSPX4 (14) but it can be done
with any version of PSP.  Not much to in
this tutorial but your imagination

You will need:
A tube plus a close up tube - I used one of Keith Garvey tubes.
You need to be a registered member of TheArtOfGarvGraphix
to purchase his tubes, but any tube will do.
Scrapkit from Scrap- Mystic/Gothic from FantasyMoments
(you can colourize the elements to suit your tag)
Mask #126 from Gems Taggin Scraps
Font I used is called 'Lovers Quarrel'
Plugin Filters:
Eyecandy 4000-GradientGlow
Xero-Porcelain (I used this on all elements & tubes-default setting)
MuRas Meister-Copies

Open up your tubes & mask. Minimise the mask.
New white canvas 750x750

Copy & paste a paper from scrapkit as a new layer. You can colourize it to suit your tube.
New Mask Layer-From Image with these settings

Merge Group - resize down 95% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.

Copy & paste element 60 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 75% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Magic Wand - click inside the round frame - Selections-Modify-Expand 3.
Copy & paste the paper again from scrapkit as a new layer - Selections-Invert, hit delete.
Selections-None. Move the paper layer below the round frame layer.

Copy & paste element 39 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 55% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Effects-Plugins-MuRas Meister-Copies-Encircle (defalt setting but change NUMBER to 6)
Move the circled flower layer down under the paper layer from round frame. Adjust-Sharpen.

Make top layer active - copy & paste element 16 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 70% Bicubic,
all layers unchecked. Image-Free Rotate-Rotate right 90. Move down to bottom of the round frame.
Duplicate the flowers - Image-Free Rotate-Rotate Left 125, move across to the side of the round frame.

Copy & paste element 11 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 55% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Move down between the 2 flower layers. Add this drop shadow

Copy & paste element 69 from scrapkit as a new layer. Resize 55% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Adjust-Sharpen. Move across to the side of the round frame - Image-Free Rotate-Rotate Right 25.
Duplicate - move down a little. Adjust-Sharpen both flowers.

Copy & paste element 21 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 40% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Adjust-Sharpen. Move across to the flowers.

Now, we will go back to our round frame layer, make it active - Magic Wand, click inside it. Copy & paste
your close up tube as a new layer - position the tube nicely inside the round frame. Selections-Invert,
hit delete. Selections-None. Move the tube layer below the round frame layer
Reduce the opacity of the close up tube to about 75% or to your liking.

Make top layer active - copy & paste your tube as a new layer. Position the tube to your liking.
Add your name & correct copyright. When you have done that, cross out the eyes on the bottom layer
(white) Merge Visible all other layers. Click COPY & paste as a New Image on your workspace. Your
merged image should now have a transparent background. Resize to your liking. I resized mine 75%
Bicubic-all layers CHECKED. Save as a *Png image

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 25th January 2012
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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