100% Irish Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version

I created this tut in PSPX4 (14) but it can be done
with any version of PSP. This is an easy tutorial
with not much to do, just take your time.

You will need:

2 St Pat's tubes, one sitting, other standing - I used 'Boyle' one of ©Cute-N-Toonz tubes.
She is a PayForUse tube.
You can purchase her from Cute-N-Toonz.blogspot.
Scrapkit called "Wish Me Luck' from Blackwidowcreationz
My template '100%Irish'
Font I used is called 'A Truer Blue' from Free Scrapbook Fonts
Plugin Filters
Eyecandy4000-GradientGlow - for name

If you are using Cut-N-Toonz tubeS, you will have to resize down to about
18-20% Bicubic-all layers CHECKED to start with.
Open up your tubes. Open up the St Pat's words, minimise for now. Open up my
100%Irish template - click SHIFT D to copy it, close off original template. Delete my copyright layer.
Make bottom layer active (white) - go to Image-Canvas Size with these settings

This gives us some room to move & we will resize at the end.
Make the Photo Frame layer active - Select All-Float-Defloat - copy & paste
a paper from scrapkit as a new layer - Selections-Invert, hit delete. Selections-None.
Delete the original layer *(do this all through with the template)*
Make Dot Frame layer active - same as above but with a different paper.
Back to the Photo Frame layer, make it active - Magic Wand with these settings

*click to see larger version*

Click inside all 3 squares - Selections-Modify-Expand 4. Copy & paste paper 5 from scrapkit
as a new layer - Selections-Invert, hit delete. Selections-None. Make the Photo Frame layer active
& give it this drop shadow *(we will be using this drop shadow all through)*

Make the top layer active - copy & paste the Rainbow element from scrapkit as anew layer. Resize
82% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Position the rainbow over the top of the template like mine.

Copy & paste Element 16 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 60% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Adjust-Sharpen. Position in the left Photo Frame. Duplicate-Image-Mirror. Merge Down. Add drop shadow

Copy & paste element 24 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 60% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Position in the centre square of the Photo Frame. Add drop shadow. Adjust-Sharpen More.
Duplicate the Golden Horse Shoe - resize 50% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Image-Free Rotate-Rotate
25 right. Position the bottom of the right Photo Frame-Adjust-Sharpen. Duplicate once more-Image-Mirror.

This is what your image should look like so far

Copy & paste element 4 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 50% Bicubic-all layers unchecked. Position
the button eith to the right or left over the small Horse Shoes. Adjust-Sharpen, add drop shadow.

Copy & paste element 25 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 45% Bicubic-all layers unchecked.
Position bottom centre of template. Adjust-Sharpen More. Add drop shadow.

Now it is time to add your tubes. I also use element 23 from scrapkit & resize it 45% Bicubic-all layers unchecked,
but you can add any other of the elements you wish.
Add your name & correct copyright. When you have done this, cross out the eyes on the bottom layer (white)
Merge Visible all other layers. Click COPY & Past as a New Image on your workspace. Your image should now
have a transparent background. I resized mine 97% Bicubic-all layers CHECKED, Bicubic-all layers CHECKED,
but that is up to you what size you want your finished image. Save as a *Png image

Thanks again Debbie
*click to see larger version*

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 29th February 2012
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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