Night of Passion Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version

I created this tag for my beautiful daughter
Raqual - as a birthday present♥

At the time I created this tutorial, all tubes, scrapkits, etc were
in working links. Sorry if the links no longer work
With scrapkits, if the link or site is missing, choose a similar scrapkit

I created this tut in PSPX1 (11) but it can be done
with any version of PSP. You need to have a good understanding of
your PSP program to do this tutorial.

You will need:
2 tubes, a lady & a man- I used tubes of ©Zlata
You need to be a registered member of PFD
to purchase her tubes, but any male & lady tubes will do.
Scrapkit called 'Night Passion' fromScraps Demensions
Mask #4 from Enchanted By Darkness
(You will see the mask download list on the right hand side)
Font I used is called "the King and Queen Font" from fonts2u
Plugin Filter:
Eyecandy4000-GradientGlow for your name & copyright

Open up the mask #38 & minimise it. Also open up the tubes you will be
using & set it aside.
New white canvas 700x700

New raster layer - copy & paste a paper from scrapkit - I used paper 4
New Mask Layer-From Image with these settings

Merge Group - resize 90%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Copy & paste Frame#1 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 45%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Move up & over to the left of the mask

Duplicate & move down to the lower right of the mask
Magic Wand, click inside the lower right frame - make the top left frame layer active, hit delete.
The bottom corner of the top left frame should now be deleted. Make top frame layer active - Merge Down
Magic Wand again, click inside the top left frame - Selections-Modify-Expand 2
Copy & paste Romantic Skyline#2 from scrapkit as a new layer - move it so it is central with the selection.
Selections-Invert, hit delete. Selections-None
Do the same for the bottom right frame. Selections-None
Merge Down & then move the Skyline layer below the merged Frames layer.

Make the mask layer active - copy & paste Rose#2 from scrapkit as a new layer - move up & to the right a little
Make top layer active. Copy & paste your lady tube as a new layer, placing her where she will look nice. Also copy
& paste your male tube & place him where he will look good. Give them both plus the frames this drop shadow

Copy & paste NP Flowers from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 35%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Move to bottom corner of bottom frame - Duplicate-Image-Mirror - move beside the 1st lot of flowers - Merge Down,
add drop shadow.
Copy & paste Ribbon#2 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 50%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Effects-Edge Effects-
Engance, add drop shadow. Move over the flowers.

Copy & paste Champagne Bottle from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 35%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Move over
the flowers & ribbon - Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance - add drop shadow.
Copy & paste Flute Glass from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 20%SmartSize-all layers unchecked
Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance - add drop shadow - Duplicate - Image-Free Rotate-Rotate left 25, Merge Down.

Now, add your name & correct copyright. When you have done that, cross out the eyes on the bottom layer (white)
Merge Visible all other layers. Click COPY & Paste as a New Image on your workspace. Resize to your liking. I resized
mine 85%SmartSize-all layers CHECKED. Save as a *Png

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 21st June 2012.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.
