Proof of Evidence Tutorial

Click on image to see larger version

At the time I created this tutorial, all tubes, scrapkits, etc were
in working links. Sorry if the links no longer work
With scrapkits, if the link or site is missing, choose a similar scrapkit

I created this tut in PSPX4 (14) but it can be done
with any version of PSP. You need to have a good understanding of
your PSP program to do this tutorial.

This tag is made in two (2) parts, so bare with me.

You will need:
2 tubes  - I used tubes of ©Arthur Crowe
You can get his tubes from his site
But any tubes will do.
Scrapkit is called "O No A Cop" Jenny's Designz
Mask #84 from WeeScotsLass
Font I used is called "Pussycat" from
Plugin Filters:
Eyecandy4000-GradientGlow for your name & copyright

Open up the mask #1 & minimize it. Also open up the tubes you will be
using & set it aside.

New transparent canvas 700x700

Copy & paste paper #2 from scrapkit as a new layer. New Mask Layer-From Image
with these settings

Merge Group. Resize 90%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Move across a little to the left.
Duplicate-ImageMirror/Flip. Merge Down

Copy & paste paper #4 from scrapkit as anew layer. Resize 70%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Freehand Selection Tool, draw around paper #4 like this

Selections-Modify-Feather-Feather 55. Selections-Invert - hit delete 4 times. Selections-None.

Copy & paste the Lamp from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 80%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Move across to the left of the mask layer. Adjust-Sharpen
Copy & paste the Frame from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 70%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Move across to the left. Freehand Selection Tool, draw around the frame like this

Copy & paste paper #6 from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 50%SmartSize-all layers unchecked.
Move so you can see the marching ants inside the new paper. Selections-Invert, hit delete.
Now move the paper layer below the frame layer - keep selected. Make frame layer active. Copy & paste one of your tubes as
a new layer - resizing if needed. Eraser Tool, erase any of the tube protruding below the frame. When done, Selections-None
Give the tube & frame this drop shadow

Merge Down 2 times so that you have the tube, frame & paper as one image. Resize the merged image 85%SmartSize-
all layers unchecked. Move the merged image to the left (see mine for example)

Copy & paste your 2nd tube as a new layer, resizing if needed. I feathered the bottom of my 2nd tube to
blend in - that is up to you.
Copy & paste Jail from scrapkit as a new layer - with your Pick Tool pull down in top centre nodule a little
(about half way) them move the Jail down a little & in the centre.

Copy & paste Ball & Chain from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 55%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Image-
Free Rotate-Rotate left 45. Move the Ball & Chain down so the cuff is equal with top rail of the Jail. Eraser Tool,
carefully erase part of the cuff so it looks as though it is attached to top rail of the Jail. Add drop shadow to Ball
& Chain.

Copy & paste Handcuffs from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 20%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Move down
onto the Jail top rail - Eraser Tool, erase part of the cuff so it looks as though it is attached to the Jail rail.
Copy & paste Evidence Tag from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 25%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Adjust-Sharpen,
add drop shadow. Move down under the Handcuff layer

Copy & paste Handprints Black from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 80%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Move down
Copy & paste Stick from scrapkit as a new layer - resize 20%SmartSize-all layers unchecked. Image-Flip. Move to the
side of the Jail, add drop shadow to Stick & the Jail

Add your name & correct copyright. When you have done that, cross out the eyes on the bottom layer (white).
Merge Visible all other layers. Click COPY & paste as a New Image on your workspace. Resize to your liking.
I resized mine 90%SmartSize-all layers CHECKED. Save as a *Png

This tutorial was written by ©Kate on 26th July 2012.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
You may Link to this tutorial, and/or print for your personal use only.
Please do not copy, rewrite, translate, place it (or Zip files)
anywhere on the web, send via email, or claim it as your own.


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